Our strengths

Always and everywhere at your disposal

Time saving

Working for hours on a weekly basis to find the right files is over with Filer
Try Filer for free

Advanced search

Quickly find the desired file by using the advanced search options that Filer has integrated
View advanced search options

Ultimate security

Because Filer uses the latest encryption standards, your files are always and everywhere secure
More information

Multiple users

Implement the Filer-widget on your website and give your colleagues direct access to the search engine Only available for corporate partners
Start implementation

Restricted access

Only allow authorized users to access specific files via the Filer widget Only available for corporate partners
Set up widget

Trace search locations

Monitor the locations from where files are searched in the search engine
View localization settings

Clear overview

View statistics on how Filer is used, such as the number of searches per day
View my statistics

Hide file locations

Hide the actual location of files by specifying a virtual file location
Set virtual file location

Own hosting

Host your own database to keep the files within the company Only available for corporate partners
Start hosting

Download rights

Indicate whether users have the right to download the files found
Set download permissions

Adjustable backups

By using the backup function, even deleted files from your computer are kept within Filer
Set up backup

Customizable colors

Ensure perfect harmony by adjusting the colors to your liking
Change colors